What Do You Do Down There??
What do you do down there? I get asked this question all the time. Because you see, we actually have phones and the internet on this island, so I communicate with people off island.
For some reason, everyone thinks that all we do is sit around on the beach, go snorkeling, and party at the bars. They are partially right. There are the people that live like this. Most of the time they are called TOURISTS. Otherwise, they are called RICH, LAZY, or DRUNK.
But when you really dig down deep, watch what happens, you will realize that the local St. Thomians like myself actually work for a living. We have McDonalds, so somebody has to make the fries. I would say that somebody has to make the milkshakes, but the machine has been broken for two years (so I am really jonesing for a McD chocolate shake about now). We have gas station attendants. We have a LOT of government employees (this would take its own blog to describe). We have all the same types of worker bees you have in the States.
Bur resist it I cannot, and I must reply that I do nothing. I haven't done anything since 1991. Unless you count buying rum. Or drinking beer. or sitting on the beach. Or going for a swim. That is what I do. At least that is what I like to tell people. But the truth as you know is that I work, WHILE DREAMING THAT I AM DOING THE ABOVE.
Next time you come for a visit, just give me a call, you can follow me around for a day (maybe even help), and then you will know what I do.