The Holidays are Here

My mom came down over XMAS two years ago. Cara and I were able to make pretty much time for her visit, but we couldn't stop working all together. This is just too crazy a time in the Islands. I mean, seriously, they are as full as they can get. Most everyone that owns a home or condo here, even if only a part time resident, is here over the Holidays. 99% of the rentals are full. The cruise ships are bringing in a record number of people. Hotels are full. Charter boats are booked. We just can't get that many more people down here than we have over the XMAS / NY Holidays.

So mom didn't come down again this year. She was still very surprised that I get phone calls from rental guests on XMAS day. Questions like where is the nearest grocery store? Can you recommend a good place for XMAS brunch? Do you have aspirin in the house because we drank all that rum last night? Can you book us a boat charter, because it is 11 am and all of the places say they are booked? Unfortunately, that is my life, and I have accepted it.

So how about this year? Well, pretty much all of our property management clients are in town. Our rentals are not 100% booked, but they fill by Dec 28 if not over XMAS. We are currently filling our last long term rentals with tenants. And sales / brokerage has many customers here over the Holidays- both for showings of our listings and us showing customers. So it is as busy as it can get- yet again.

Want to know the worst part? I just received notice to report to Federal Jury Service on January 03. January 03? At the busiest time of the year!!

Anyone looking to buy a RE business?