Good Old WAPA Can't Keep the Power On, Yet Doesn't Want WInd Power Assistance

The wind turbines were spinning!!! Can you believe it? After two years of sitting still at the Tutu Park Mall, the owners of the turbines were finally given permission to start testing. This is great news.

Or so it seems.... See this article from VI Source:

As you can see, WAPA is still trying to keep them shut down.

The funny part? POWER FAILURES KEPT DELAYING THE TESTING !!!!! Can you believe this? WAPA can't keep power on, yet they are still fighting against another provider that can help decrease their load to assist in keeping things running. WAPA wants to be the only provider, yet they have proved to be completely unreliable with regard to continuous service. I believe we have had power outages everyday this week. If I am at home, and power goes out, I stare out at Jost Van Dyke. It is an island with a couple of hundred people, and they didn't get power themselves until the 1990's. Yet they are able to keep power constantly, and the island of St. Thomas has repeated problems? Unbelievable.

We need to get alternatives to WAPA !!!!!