Drew Jones and Climate Change Computer Simulators

Drew Jones. This is the friend of a friend that came down to visit us over the weekend. While watching a little football late on Sunday afternoon, we saw the name of a player that I won’t mention here. Why won’t I mention the name? Because the goal of this blog is to help Drew Jones show up better on Google WITHOUT being overpowered by that particular name that is “backwards” from his name.

So what does Drew do for a living? I believe the verbal explanation was that he “creates climate control simulation models.” Basically computer programs that predict climate changes. Well, once I found this out, we went to work to help him better his models.

Until his visit, he was completely unaware of the correlation between the number of Pirates and Global warming. HUH? How could he not be aware of such a correlation? So I helped him out a little bit, and now I am going to help you out a little bit, too.



Once you become a Pastafarian, you will understand. Take a look at the link, and I challenge you to prove that this is not the origination of the universe. In the GOSPEL OF THE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER, it is claimed:

Pirates are revered as the original Pastafarians (a portmanteau of pasta and Rastafarian),[6] and Henderson asserts that the steady decline in the number of pirates over the years has resulted in global warming.

Research by Drew Jones back in Asheville, North Carolina, should be able to support such a claim once it is completed. Hopefully, after due diligence, we will have new evidence introduced into computer similation models for climate control. Drew Jones may even be the first person to introduce such, making him a pioneer in the field.

Good to meet you Drew, and I look forward to your climate change computer simulation development.