And the Waters Turned Flat


Winter is over. How do I know that here in the Virgin Islands? Well, for one, my friends have stopped calling me and whining about how cold it is up in the States. They also stopped calling me and telling me about the incredible powder days in the Colorado ski mountains. So those were my first clues.

And though the temperature here in the Virgin Islands doesn't change much, I have noticed that the waters have grown flat. By this, I mean they are calm and inviting for somebody with a little boat like mine.

It is really nice to skim across the flat waters in Pillsbury Sound, towards St. John and the fertile lobster grounds and incredible snorkeling that is offered throughout our territory. It is equally pleasing to see the waters from high in the hills while the sun, shadows, and various depths create various hues of blues and greens. It really does make for spectacular sightseeing / views.

The attached photo is from the most recent lobster expedition. If you have read these blogs in the past, then you know I am an avid freediver and lobster hunter. With more flat waters on the horizon, expect more days with a result like this one.