Vacation Rental Funnies

This blog won't be very good, just going to tell you that right now. It is the end of the day, and I am ready to leave the office. To really make this a good blog, I would need to really think about all the funny stories over the years. But I didn't know what to write, so I'll just throw out a few tidbits and try to come back to this subject later.

I get a call about two weeks ago. I had just left Sapphire Beach Resort around 7:30 pm after a long day in the office and checking in on some of my favorite guests who are repeat customers in my own personal condo. So I get home, and Cara is out with friends for the night. That means I am in charge of dinner. Well, that is easy, I start to heat the over and am ready to pull a pizza from the freezer. Walk and feed the dogs, pop the pizza in, and am about to sit on the couch and relax. it is about 8:15 by this time, and I am tired. My phone rings and I answer. WHo could this be, I wonder?

It was a guest at Sapphire Beach Resort, next door to where I had just been. I couldn't figure out what they were saying, as the call was that they "had locked themselves in the condo." Hmm... Locked themselves in the condo. What do these words mean, I wonder.

Now, I really like this guest, but I need to figure this out. She has had guests over for dinner, and they can't get out!! Not a good situation. Luckily, since I had just sat down, I was only on my third cocktail. So I could still drive (maybe not legally, but I could drive). But that wasn't my choice.

So, I call up the COA manager, who is one hell of a guy. More importantly, he lives on property and is very capable. I try to explain, using gibberish because he would have laughed at me if I told him this in English, that my guests had locked themselves in their condo. He obliges my wettest dreams and agrees to go over and look into things.

Well, no need to give the rest of the play by play, but the manager was able to get them out. And yes, they had locked themselves in the condo. And yes, the locks have been replaced. No, I don't really understand how these things happen. But I still find them funny.

So what other stories do I have? LOTS

But why don't I instead leave you with a few of my favorite questions:

Does this island go all the way to the bottom?

What kind of liquor is in the rum punch?

Do you live here?

How do they get all the boats to face in the same direction?

Instead of the baked potato, can I get a T Shirt and a Banana Daquiri?

I could go on and on. Years in the day charter business coupled with the vacation rentals, and I could fill a book. So I plan to get you more of these, as they say down here.... SOON COME....