Ambassador Kirk

You are likely on this site because you live in the VI, previously lived in the VI, or dream of living in the VI. Whichever of these it may be, I can help you. I would like to help you. That is because I consider myself an ambassador of the Islands. To be a true ambassador, you must really love the place you live, and I certainly qualify for this position.

My early years were spent working in the restaurants and crewing on a large catamaran sailboat. I was young, had lots of energy, and loved my work. Not everyone can say they love going to work, but I could then and I can now. I tell you this because my daily routine had been communicating with tourists, and it was extremely rewarding.

Trust me, I had some pains in the butt, but those individuals are forgotten. And I have heard every ridiculous question that has ever been asked. Yes, this island goes all the way to the bottom. The type of liquor in the rum punch is called RUM. No, you cannot substitute the lobster tail for the baked potato. No, I don’t commute daily from the States. Yes, it is expensive to live here, which is why you will give me a huge tip for answering your stupid questions. I won’t even start to give all of my answers to why all the boats face in the same direction.

But one theme dominates my memory, and it is a constructive and blissful theme. It is a feeling that I made the right choice moving down here. It is a feeling that I haven’t wasted a moment of my life. It is about knowing that I have helped so many others enjoy our wonderful islands over the years. But if I didn’t live in such a special place, my job as ambassador would not be so easy.